Editor-in-Chief: Alan David Kaye, MD, PhD
Managing Editor: Bert Fellows, MA
- 2019;22;1-13A Systematic Review of Devices and Techniques that Objectively Measure Patients’ Pain
Systematic Review
Sjors H. Wagemakers, MD, Joanne M. van der Velden, MD, PhD, A. Sophie Gerlich, MD, Alinde W. Hindriks-Keegstra, MD, Jacqueline F.M. van Dijk, PhD, and Joost J.C. Verhoeff, MD, PhD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2019;22;15-28Unilateral Versus Bilateral Balloon Kyphoplasty for Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures: A Systematic Review of Overlapping Meta-analyses
Systematic Review
Cui Zhiyong, MD, Tian Yun, MD, Feng Hui, MD, Yang Zhongwei, MD, and Liu Zhaorui, MD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2019;22;29-40Sacroiliac Joint Fusion Methodology - Minimally Invasive Compared to Screw-Type Surgeries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Systematic Review
Zung Vu Tran, PhD, Anna Ivashchenko, MPH, and Logan Brooks, BA.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2019;22;41-52Posterior Cervical Foraminotomy Via Full-Endoscopic Versus Microendoscopic Approach for Radiculopathy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Systematic Review
Peng-Fei Wu, BD, Ya-Wei Li, MD, Bing Wang, MD, Bin Jiang, BD, Zhi-Ming Tu, BD, and Guo-Hua Lv, MD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2019;22;53-61Effectiveness of Exercise Therapy and Manipulation on Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Randomized Trial
Parisa Nejati, MD, Afsaneh Safarcherati, MD, and Farshid Karimi, MD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2019;22;63-68Effectiveness Analysis of Percutaneous Kyphoplasty Combined with Zoledronic Acid in Treatment of Primary Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures
Prospective Study
Zi-Feng Huang, MD, Shao-Xiong Xiao, MD, Kun Liu, MM, and Wei Xiong, BM.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2019;22;69-74The Impact of Local Steroid Administration on the Incidence of Neuritis following Lumbar Facet Radiofrequency Neurotomy
Retrospective Review
Jaspal R. Singh, MD, Vincent F. Miccio, Jr., MD, Devas J. Modi, BS, and Michael T. Sein, MD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2019;22;75-88Full-Endoscopic Lumbar Fusion Outcomes in Patients with Minimal Deformities: A Retrospective Study of Data Collected Between 2011 and 2015
Observational Study
Solomon Kamson, MD, PhD, Dawei Lu, MD, Paul D. Sampson, PhD, and Yiyi Zhang, BS.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2019;22;89-95Transforaminal Epiduroscopy in Patients with Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
Prospective Study
Martin Avellanal, MD, PhD, Gonzalo Diaz-Reganon, MD, Alejandro Orts, MD, Lucio Gonzalez-Montero, MD, and Irene Riquelme, MD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2019;22;97-107OPRM1 Gene Interaction with Sleep in Chronic Pain Patients Treated with Opioids
Observational Study
Cesar Margarit, MD, PhD, Purificacion Ballester, LMS, Maria-del-Mar Inda, PhD, Reyes Roca, LMS, Luis Gomez, LMS, Beatriz Planelles, LMS, Raquel Ajo, LMS, Domingo Morales, PhD, and Ana M. Peiro, MD, PhD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2019;22;109-116Relationship Between Decreased Subcalcaneal Fat Pad Thickness and Plantar Heel Pain. A Case Control Study
Observational Study
Daniel Lopez-Lopez, PhD, Ricardo Becerro-de- Bengoa-Vallejo, MD, PhD, Marta Elena Losa-Iglesias, PhD, Alfredo Soriano-Medrano, PhD, Patricia Palomo-Lopez, PhD, Angel Morales-Ponce, PhD, David Rodriguez-Sanz, PhD, and Cesar Calvo-Lobo, PhD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2019;22;E1-E13How Does Self-Efficacy Influence Pain Perception, Postural Stability and Range of Motion in Individuals with Chronic Low Back Pain?
Cross-Sectional Study
Roy La Touche, PhD, Monica Grande-Alonso, MSc, Paloma Arnes-Prieto, PT, and Alba Paris-Alemany, MD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2019;22;E15-E36Nerve Entrapment Headaches at the Temple: Zygomaticotemporal and/or Auriculotemporal Nerve?
Narrative Review
Helen W. Karl, MD, and Andrea M. Trescot, MD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2019;22;E37-E44High Level of Childhood Trauma Predicts a Poor Response to Spinal Cord Stimulation in Chronic Neuropathic Pain
Prospective Study
Jaakko Maatta, BM, Antti Martikainen, MD, Maarit Pakarinen, MD, PhD, Tiina-Mari Ikaheimo, RN, Mette Nissen, MD, Mikael von und zu Fraunberg, MD, PhD, Heimo Viinamaki, MD, PhD, and Jukka Huttunen, MD, PhD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2019;22;E45-E52Vitamin B12 as a Treatment for Pain
Narrative Review
Scott Buesing, ND, Miranda Costa, ND, Jan M. Schilling, Dr. Med, and Tobias Moeller-Bertram, MD, PhD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2019;22;E53-E54Comparison of Lateral Branched Pulsed Radiofrequency Denervation and Intraarticular Depot Methylprednisolone Injection for Sacroiliac Joint Pain: Inquiry for Additional Investigation
Letters to the Editor
Peter Huynh, MD, and Dora Hsu, MD.