Current Issue - - Vol 3 Issue 3


  1. 2000;3;262-270Evolution of Epidural Lysis of Adhesions
    A Review Article
    Susan R. Anderson, MD, Gabor B. Racz, MD, and James Heavner, DVM, PhD.

Epidural neuroplasty (lysis of epidural adhesions) is an interventional technique that has emerged over the last 10 years as part of a multidisciplinary approach to treating radiculopathy with low back pain when conservative management has failed. Neuroplasty was at one time performed as a single-catheter technique using the caudal approach. It now has many variations, including placement of the catheter tip in the anterior epidural space. This article will discuss the evolution and refinement of epidural neuroplasty at our institution.

Keywords: Low back pain, radiculopathy, epidural, local anesthetic, corticosteroid, hyaluronidase, hypertonic saline, neuroplasty